Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Garden State of Mind

So, I just got done watching Garden State. Its such an amazing and beautiful movie. If you don't like it then ...you're dumb =]  but yeah, it was really depressing. Anyone that has seen it has to know what I mean. I really felt myself getting more and more depressed the longer it was on. It happens with alot of movies though and it usually can leave me feeling depressed for days... I know im weird and impressionable, so shut up, mmk? Im sorry. I apologize for my blatant bitchiness tonight. I dont know what my problem is...

Back to what I was saying! It was depressing but after it was all over I felt alright. Kind of relieved. It was like a weight had been lifted. People hurt. They hurt for a million different reasons but they all feel pain. Once you can really grasp that, REALLY grasp it, you dont feel alone. Any pain you have becomes kind of beautiful and unifying. People get hurt and they deal with it! It seems so simple but sometimes the simplest things can be the hardest to understand. Its like when you break up with someone and you're so upset over it. Everyone, your family and friends, can all tell you it'll get better in time/you'll find someone else/ plenty of fish in the sea...blah blah. And you know its true. You know it could never have worked out and you should get on with it but until youre ready these are just words. Logical, practical words. Then one night, youre watching a movie and it hits you; an epiphany. People get hurt and then they deal with it.

Am I the only one looking this deep into a movie? I mean yeah it IS just a movie but its art right? And you ARE allowed to look that deep into art. I think. Anyways, let me know your thoughts whether its about what I said or even just the movie. I have to buy it, by the way. Its so amazing how real it is. Everyone in the movie is so different and weird, it just seems more realistic. Life isnt always glamorous or perfect like romantic comedies often show it. Real people, real relationships, are weird and different. That's why so many people give it up, they're still out there searching for something fake.

1 comment:

  1. Garden State was a terrific movie! I got it, too. Felt the same way, but really liked the story.

    Thank you for your amazing, kind words on my Guitar Hero, Unplugged post.

    From my heart, thank you.
    Irish Gumbo
