Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Degrassi Goes Hollywood??

I'm flipping through my channels and I see this movie on and I get so super excited! It wasn't as good as the show. I won't lie. There were some really cheesy parts, too. I guess it's to be expected for Degrassi but, come on. Paige acting like a petulant, annoying diva because she THOUGHT it was how she should act after listening to her ex-boss? Puh-lease, even Paige isn't that stupid. I could totally see her acting that way naturally because she wants too but the movie made it seem like she was 'tricked' into it? No.

P.S. Manny looked super hot in the end where she's singing in the movie. Just sayin.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Blah Days..

Today is really just a blah kind of day. Nothing new, nothing exciting. Although I did two two writing exercises on so I feel alright about it. Even though it wasnt for anything I always feel productive when I write.  Ive decided to try writing on that site everyday because I need to write more. I feel more centered and at peace...more zen about everything in my life when I can reflect and get it all out of my system. It's called scriptotherapy. Well, scriptotherapy is really when a person suffering Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder writes about their traumatic experiences and it helps them work through it. So, I guess what im talking about is a cousin of scriptotherapy. But whats it called??  I just have to get over my laziness and write more. end of story  =[  I dont even know what else to talk about here. I feel like im sending this blog and all my thoughts into a black abyss. I dont know how to search different blogs on here at all let alone by subject or anything. I feel like people cant find mine either. If anyones out there!!...Please!...Make contact!! Let me know what im doing wrong!!

To My Future Husband..

So I was reading someone's letter they wrote to their future husband when they were younger, pretty much telling them how things were gonna be if you planned on marrying them, and she asked me to do the same. So here it is...

Dear future husband,
I thought I met you already but it seems I was mistaken. When I think about how much of my life I was willing to give to an imposter I kinda get scared...shitless. Which is why I need YOU to be the bigger person in our relationship and keep reassuring me that you are, in fact, the one. Dont get upset when I talk about the past or said imposter... realize im only trying to work it out and understand the lessons learned and I just feel comfortable enough with you to do it out loud. Understand when I get scared it goes away and dont take it personally. Dont ever lie, no matter how much you think the truth will hurt me, no matter if the lie will go unnoticed and isnt a big deal, i want to know...i need to know. I could go on and on and list all the traits I hope you have; sense of humour, kind, unselfish... but I trust that if youre my future husband you already have these things and theres no reason to mention them. I just always want you to be yourself with me. ALWAYS. Just as I want you to love me for myself.  I want you to talk to me when you have a problem or are having doubts about things. I want you to say you love me even when were fighting, even if your going to hang up in me in .7 seconds because if something terrible happened to one of us I know we would regret not saying it. I dont believe in divorce. I want you to be as much a part of rasing our kids as I will (and yes there has to be kids). Most important you need to feel the same way as me when it comes to true love; If you have it and you commit yourself to it completely, we can survive anything and everything.

Me xoxo

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

dont read it!!!

Ever get a phone call from your ex and you knooow you shouldn't answer it? Or a voicemail you know you shouldn't listen to? An email you shouldn't read?

Then for some reason, you do it anyways? Really, you know no matter it what it says, "youre a bitch" " i love you and wanna get back together" "blah blah blah im dating someone neww alreadddy=] " ...its not gonna make you feel any better than you do. We KNOW we should just take satisfaction in knowing THEY were thinking about US because theyre the ones that made contact and we should just delete it. But we don't..


I had a Dream...

Last night was one of those terrible dream nights where you keep waking up but every time you go back to sleep it just starts up again! ALLL night I had to deal with a dream about my ex. We were back together and he came to visit me. However, while he was visiting me he was pretty much ignoring me and making friends at my school, going to parties, etc. Then I found out he slept with a girl from my high school who I was alwaaays jealous of and when I confronted him about it he acted like it was no big deal and it was gonna happen again so I should get used to it. I was soo hurt I decided to try making him jealous so he could see how ridiculous he was being. I said we should be in an open relationship ( I even changed my dream Facebook relationship status...thats how you KNOW im serious ) and he didnt care. At all. Maybe this dream doesn't sound as bad as I thought but if you could really picture it like I did, thinking it waas real, then youd know how bad it was. Even just having a dream im back together with him makes me sad. sigh.

So, what about you guys? Any dreams about exs?

The Garden State of Mind

So, I just got done watching Garden State. Its such an amazing and beautiful movie. If you don't like it then're dumb =]  but yeah, it was really depressing. Anyone that has seen it has to know what I mean. I really felt myself getting more and more depressed the longer it was on. It happens with alot of movies though and it usually can leave me feeling depressed for days... I know im weird and impressionable, so shut up, mmk? Im sorry. I apologize for my blatant bitchiness tonight. I dont know what my problem is...

Back to what I was saying! It was depressing but after it was all over I felt alright. Kind of relieved. It was like a weight had been lifted. People hurt. They hurt for a million different reasons but they all feel pain. Once you can really grasp that, REALLY grasp it, you dont feel alone. Any pain you have becomes kind of beautiful and unifying. People get hurt and they deal with it! It seems so simple but sometimes the simplest things can be the hardest to understand. Its like when you break up with someone and you're so upset over it. Everyone, your family and friends, can all tell you it'll get better in time/you'll find someone else/ plenty of fish in the sea...blah blah. And you know its true. You know it could never have worked out and you should get on with it but until youre ready these are just words. Logical, practical words. Then one night, youre watching a movie and it hits you; an epiphany. People get hurt and then they deal with it.

Am I the only one looking this deep into a movie? I mean yeah it IS just a movie but its art right? And you ARE allowed to look that deep into art. I think. Anyways, let me know your thoughts whether its about what I said or even just the movie. I have to buy it, by the way. Its so amazing how real it is. Everyone in the movie is so different and weird, it just seems more realistic. Life isnt always glamorous or perfect like romantic comedies often show it. Real people, real relationships, are weird and different. That's why so many people give it up, they're still out there searching for something fake.